
Contributions are encouraged and welcome!

For any type of change, please follow this general workflow:

  1. Open an issue in Arsenal’s Github issue tracker. Describe the issue and tag it accordingly. That is, if the issue is a bug, please tag the issue as a bug. If an issue already exists, skip this step.
  2. Clone Arsenal’s repository locally.
  3. Create a topic branch for the changes you plan to make in regards to the issue you’re working on: git checkout -b your_branch_name
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Add appropriate unit-tests. If your change addresses a bug, please add a unit test that proves the bug is fixed by your change. For enhancements, try to thoroughly test all cases the new code will face.
  6. Make sure all unit tests pass. tox -epy27,pep8 should exercise all unit-tests and check for pep8 related style issues.
  7. Commit your changes to your local repository and reference the appropriate Github issue in your commit message, if appropriate.
  8. Push your topic branch: your_banch_name to Github.
  9. Create a pull request using the your_branch_name branch.

At that point, a repository maintainer will need to review and approve the pull-request. You may be asked to make additional changes to your pull-request before it is merged.

Please note that any contributions will fall under the Apache 2.0 license governing this project.

Thanks for contributing!